Monday, March 22, 2010

Finding A Way To Make Congress Listen

With the passage of a health care reform bill that the people did not want, Congress has proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that they do not care about those they are there to represent.  The whole comment about Party Leadership allowing a representative to vote with their district is something that upsets many people.  The reps are there to vote their district, that's their entire job and it should not be pushed to the back burner in favor of what the party wants.

This is supposed to be a country governed by the people, but how can it be when those who are supposed to represent the people refuse to do so.  Frustration with this situation is high, people are angry and protesting, writing, calling, showing up at town halls, organizing in tea parties and the 9/12 project and yet still Congress won't listen. 

What can we do to make them pay attention to the views, principles and ideals of those who put them in their position of power.  Unfortunately we don't have many options.

However, if you've ever fantasized about grabbing your representative and shaking them until they listen; if you've ever thought about cleaning out Congress and starting fresh; if you've ever had a fantasy about a mob armed with pitch forks and torches storming the Capitol Building to drive out the evil which resides within, then there is a book written just for you.  A book which is based around a plot to wipe out Congress and start fresh.  A book about a silent revolution built of frustration, anger at what the country has become and a love for what the country is supposed to be.

Capitol Punishment

At a time when the leaders of the nation have moved almost exclusively from serving the people to serving themselves, a revolution is brewing. But what if this was not a revolution of guns in the streets, but one waged quietly respecting the value of human life. And what if the first indication the country would have of this plot was a single act of such magnitude that it would change the face of the country and her government forever. And what if you, an average citizen discovered the plan and faced the moral and ethical delimma of whether to stop it or allow Congress to reap what they have sown. What decision would you make? Tabloid journalist Daniel Callahan and Samantha Mallard are about to find out. Their decision will take them on a journey filled with twists and surprises and teach them about their country, each other, and even themselves.

Try this book written by somebody who feels the same frustration and anger that you do. 

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